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Due to extreme weather temperatures, the Johnstown-Monroe Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Stay warm, Johnnies!



Student Services

Child Find
As required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), the Johnstown Monroe Local School District is committed to the location, identification, and provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for all children between the ages of 3 and 21 having a disability and residing within our school district.

If you know of a child with a disability, or have a child suspected of having a disability, who is not currently receiving appropriate educational or related services, please contact the Johnstown Monroe Local Schools Coordinator of Student Services at 740-967-5461 ext 4309.

Each building operates a Response to Intervention program with research based, tiered intervention services provided as needed.  Screening tools, diagnostic tools, and classroom information are reviewed to determine if a student needs additional help in the form of classroom, individual, or small group interventions provided by general education teachers,  
Title I personnel, or intervention specialists.  If you have concerns about your child’s academic needs, you should contact your child’s teacher.  

Students with Disabilities
Our Intervention Specialists, Speech/Language Pathologist, School Psychologist, related service providers for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy,  and Coordinator of Student Services assist approximately 250 students with special needs through the implementation of Individualized Education Programs and 504 Plans.  

Here is a helpful link regarding special education and services:

Children, ages 3-21 years, who qualify for special education services under IDEIA are identified as having disabilities in one of the following areas: autism, cognitive disabilities, multiple disabilities, specific learning disabilities, other health impairment, orthopedic handicapped, severe emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, visual impairment, traumatic brain injury, speech/language disability, hearing impaired, deaf-blind, visually impaired.

Special education services for each student with disabilities are written into each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).? Services may be provided in a variety of settings, with the goal being to educate each student in the least restrictive environment (LRE); which means providing services in the regular classroom environment to the maximum extent possible.

Students with disabilities may receive related services that could include occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech/language services.  Accommodations and modifications may be made to curriculum in order meet educational needs.  

Gifted Services
The Ohio Department of Education defines “gifted” as a?student who performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of the same?age, experience, or environment (ORC, Sec. 3324.01).

Here is a helpful link:

English Learners
English learners are students whose primary or home language is other than English who need special language assistance in order to effectively participate in school instructional programs.  Students who are identified as having a cultural background or language other than English through the registration process, parent information, teacher information, or screening, will receive targeted assistance in literacy and language acquisition through an immersion program.  This may also be known as “limited English proficient” or “English Language Learners” or “English as a Second Language.”  Students typically have limitations in the ability to read, speak, listen or write in English, which may inhibit their access to curriculum.  Services are provided by district personnel in small group and family settings.  The OELPA is administered on an annual basis.  Students may also receive services through the auspices of an IEP, 504, or through the gifted program.  

"Parents should be active participants in assisting their children to attain English proficiency, achieve at high levels within a well rounded education, and meet challenging state academic standards expected of all students.  Students shall not be admitted to or excluded from any federally assisted education program on the basis of a surname or language-minority status."

Here is a helpful link:
English Learners