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Due to extreme weather temperatures, the Johnstown-Monroe Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Stay warm, Johnnies!



Our School

Principal's Message

Roben Wagoner, Principal

Embedded Image for: Roben Wagoner, Principal (20237259134944_image.jpg)
Phone: 740-967-5461
Email: [email protected]
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Otterbein University
M.Ed. Ashland University
Principal Licensure Ashland University
National Board Certified Teacher

Welcome to the Johnstown Elementary website. It is with great pride that I serve as the principal at Johnstown Elementary School.  We have created a culture where students and staff love coming to school. In addition, we continue the focus on meeting the individual needs of our students.

Johnstown Schools has a rich history of providing quality education with a caring staff to support wonderful students who are full of Johnnie Pride! I value the partnerships between the school, staff, parents, and community members who work together to provide incredible opportunities for our students. As Johnstown continues to grow, I look forward to continuing these partnerships and keeping our focus on doing what is best for the youngest learners in the Johnstown Schools.

Johnstown Elementary houses kindergarten through third grade. Within the building, kindergarten and first grade classrooms remained on the first floor, while second grade classrooms moved to the upper floor with third grade. Student arrival at JES is from 8:10-8:30, with school starting at 8:30. Dismissal times will range from 3:00-3:20 depending on transportation mode (walker, car rider, or bus).

JES offers a variety of programs and experiences for students, including all day, every day kindergarten, gifted services for identified second and third grade students, a multi-tiered system of academic and behavioral support, and a special education program. Students participate in six different related arts classes in our JOHNNIE schedule, which include physical education, music, innovation STEM learning, technology, library and art education.

JES has a building-wide system of positive behavioral supports.  We encourage every student to be a STAR (Safety first, Try your best, Accountable for your actions, Respect everyone and everything.) We will continue to focus on character traits and help all students internalize and apply those traits in their daily lives as a student. We will recognize students regularly for being amazing Johnstown STARS.

As principal, my charge is to instill positive relationships and a love for learning in the students while maintaining a safe, caring, and joyful learning environment. I welcome opportunities to work with you and your student(s) throughout the school year!

Go Johnnies!

Please visit Principal Roben Wagoner's Google page for periodic updates and announcements by clicking the following link:

Purple Star